Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) V6
1. Will I require additional training when transitioning to Version 6?
The primary functionalities of the platform remain largely unchanged. Most users will not require new training and can apply their existing knowledge from Version 5. However, some functionalities such as route planning and account settings have changed significantly. A tutorial video will be provided prior to transfer addressing the main key differences.
2. Am I required to upgrade to Version 6?
Eventually everyone will be transferred to V6. Support for V5 will gradually be discontinued during 2025 and new development will cease by the end of 2024.
3. What are the main changes in Version 6?
For detailed information on the changes in Version 6, please refer to the dedicated article.
4. Is there an additional fee for the new version?
No, Version 6 is included with your annual license, and there is no cost associated with the transition. If you access Spartakus through a service provider, the new version is covered under their license as well. In that case, you will be transferred to V6 at the same time as your service provider.
5. I am using a mobile app in conjunction with Spartakus V5. Is it compatible with Version 6, and do I need to change the app version?
Older mobile app version aren’t compatible with version 6. We recommend keeping the mobile app always up to date and you’ll be sure that it’s compatible with the version of Spartakus you are using.
6. I use certain specific functions in Version 5. Will they carry over to Version 6?
Most features will transition to Version 6, but not necessarily all. Prior to transitioning, please consult your CSS to discuss any specific features you are concerned about.
7. Is there a delay during the upgrade process?
The database copying process takes a few hours, during which both Version 5 and Version 6 will be locked. This automated process can be scheduled outside of working hours for your convenience.
8. Can I continue using Version 5 after my database has been copied to Version 6?
The original Version 5 database and the copied Version 6 database will not communicate. To prevent some users from working in Version 5 while others work in Version 6, the Version 5 database will be archived and rendered non-editable.
9. The Spartakus URL for Version 5 was whitelisted by my IT department. Does Version 6 use the same URL?
No, your IT department will need to whitelist the new URL for Version 6.
Michael Simard-Chachoua
Customer Success Specialist – Spartakus technologies
[email protected]