Spartakus Tech: Pilot projects/proof of concept in consulting?
Can we do a pilot project/proof of concept when working with Spartakus Technologies for consulting projects?
Certainly, when it comes to consulting projects working with Spartakus technologies, the option of conducting a pilot project/proof of concept is available. By consulting projects here, we refers to:
- Master data project
- Maintenance strategies optimization project (PMO)
- Reliability assessment/diagnostic
- Other
Often, those types of projects are large projects that are conducted over a period of multiple weeks and months. Before launching yourself and your company in a partnership with Spartakus, it is understandable that you want to make sure that you are getting what was expected initially from our team.
Therefore, a solution that we have imbedded in our processes is the pilot project/proof of concept approach. To do so, we will select a specific area on which we want to execute the project. We will select an area on which the return will be easy to document, qualify and quantify once the pilot project is done. Doing such practice will allow the customer to:
- Quickly allows the customer to become familiar with our expertise and carrying out of project and assesses whether Spartakus’s team meets the customer’s expectations or not.
- Quickly document the benefits and the return on investment (ROI) of using the platform for the area included in the pilot project.
Therefore, if you are satisfied with the pilot project, if needed Spartakus can help build a business case to justify the investment for the following phases of the project.
To carry out this project, Spartakus will estimate the necessary work for executing the project on the selected area for the pilot project. Consequently, from a financial perspective, the charge for the customer will be associated with the required manpower for the pilot project only. Depending on the type of consulting project, a pilot project can last between one to three months.
Note that prior to launching the project, we will define success criteria, timelines, roles and responsibilities for both the customer’s team and Spartakus’ team. Once the period of the pilot project is completed, we will review together whether the success criteria have been met and decide whether to proceed with a full deployment or not. This approach offers a low-risk strategy for both Spartakus and the customer’s team.
Arnaud Richer, B. Eng.
Reliability solutions – Spartakus technologies
[email protected]