Category: Business Cases

  • Extensive savings thanks to digitalization

    Extensive savings thanks to digitalization

    Our Impact Project overview The planner of a paper mill was looking to digitize its lubrication routes and make its maintenance strategy more efficient. For this project, the customer required the centralization of all information relevant to reliability and the total digitization of maintenance routes. Implementing an innovative solution A reproduction of the asset hierarchy…

  • $ 1.7M saving by revolutionizing the lubrication program! 

    $ 1.7M saving by revolutionizing the lubrication program! 

    In the business world, in order to remain competitive, it’s crucial to constantly look for ways to improve operational efficiency and reduce costs. The following case study examines the experience of our client, a lumber market leader in Western Canada. One of these sawmills implemented a new lubrication program in 2012 to address maintenance issues…

  • How Asset Health Monitoring saved a plant from unnecessary costs

    How Asset Health Monitoring saved a plant from unnecessary costs

     In the world of industrial maintenance, informed decision-making is essential to avoid unexpected costs and keep production running. The case study we’re about to explore highlights how a timely decision prevented a costly equipment shutdown thanks to the judicious use of predictive maintenance.  Detecting water in bearing lubricating oil It all began during one of…

  • Spartakus APM: a successful transition at Laurentide Controls 

    Spartakus APM: a successful transition at Laurentide Controls 

    The implementation of Spartakus APM marked a significant evolution in internal maintenance management at Laurentide Controls, Eastern Canada’s leading provider of reliability solutions. Since 2020, the Kirkland site has seen the introduction of several essential modules designed to improve the efficiency and accuracy of its operations.  First, the calibration tools management module was introduced within…

  • Tangible productivity benefits with work organization change

    Tangible productivity benefits with work organization change

    Optimizing work organization and visibility of maintenance actions are essential goals for any company seeking to improve its internal processes. With this in mind, our client wanted to implement the innovative solution, Spartakus APM, to radically transform how they managed their maintenance. Our Impact A Collaborative Process at the Core of Effective Change Management We…

  • 35% Reduction in urgent alerts in less than 1 year

    35% Reduction in urgent alerts in less than 1 year

    Our Impact Project overview Our client, a major player in the wood and paper industry, launched a new plant in early 2022. Spartakus Technologies was called upon to implement a proper lubrication program and overcome the limitations of paper-based inspection routes. In March-April 2022, we assisted them in : A collaborative process as the basis…

  • $250K Savings in one year

    $250K Savings in one year

    Our Impact Standing out by increasing production reliability Our client asked us to improve the preventive maintenance of its new plant, built two years ago. They were facing a problem related to their field of activity; in the food industry, the products are perishable which requires the reduction of unscheduled downtime. Our technicians and engineers…

  • $4.5M Savings in two year

    $4.5M Savings in two year

    Implementing predictive monitoring in Spartakus APM Our client, a major mining company, had just put one of its factories back into operation. From the start, managers wanted to instill a culture of reliability and proactive management of assets and equipment. Vibration analysis and oil analysis were implemented systematically and the results were deployed in the…

  • 75% Reduction of inherent risk in two weeks

    75% Reduction of inherent risk in two weeks

    Our Impact Before solving problems, they must first be found Our client, a french fry factory, needed to reduce losses due to mechanical breakdowns to sustain production and meet consumer demand. They contacted us to evaluate their maintenance strategies, then conduct an audit of the plant’s assets’ health. In search of a solution Before the…

  • $1.2M Savings in six weeks

    $1.2M Savings in six weeks

    Our Impact Improving production reliability Our client, a major steel factory in a competitive industrial sector, had to reduce financial losses from assets’ mechanical failures. It was therefore imperative to establish a culture of reliability and proactive asset management. Technicians and engineers who worked on this project used the Spartakus platform to review preventive maintenance…